Sonic ESB Online Training in Hyderabad
Sonic ESB Corporate Training
Sonic ESB Training in Hyderabad
Contact for Online / Corporate Training
Whats App: 91 8008814567
usa : 001 484 365 2489
Sonic ESB Syllabus
Preparing to develop the Remote Information Access sample application
Phase 1: Creating the prototype ESB process, processRequest
Phase 2: Implementing multiple operations using a content-based router
Phase 3: Implementing getAccounts using a Split and Join Parallel service
Phase 4: Using stylesheets to format responses
Phase 5: Implementing getAccountActivity using content-based routing
Phase 6: Developing and using Rest service(only for Sonic v8.0)
Phase 7: Analyzing the Sonic architecture with Sonic MQ
Phase 8: Use of Sonic MQ
Phase 9: Integrating Sonic ESB with Sonic MQ
Phase 10:Understanding other palletes/components of the Sonic Workbench
Phase 11:Use of containers and understanding the deployment process
Considering the topics :
1) online training for 3 hours daily - need 6 days
2) offsite training for 6 hours - need 3 days