
Mule ESB Corporate Training in Hyderabad

Mule ESB Training in Hyderabad

Mule ESB Classroom Training in Hyderabad

Contact for Online / Corporate Training 
Call/ Whats App: 91 8008814567
USA : 001 484 365 2489

  • Mule ESB Introduction
  • Need of ESB and how it helps to resolve the existing problems
    what is Mule and its Features?
    What is Any point studio platform for Mule?
    What is Mule flow & subflow?
    What is Message Processor?
    How does a Mule message looks like?
  • Debugging ,Mule Message & MEL
  • Debugging a mule flow
    Structure of a Mule Message in detail
    Property Transformer
    Expression Transformer
    Flow Scope&Session Scope
    MEL In detai
    Using Lists and Maps in MEL
  • Functional testing of Mule flows using MUNIT
  • Generating MUNIT flows from existing flows
    writing various asserts
    creating mocks in Munit
  • Filters
  • How does filter work in various scenarios
    Payload type filter
    Expression filter
    Using Path in MEL
    Exception Type Filter
    Message property filter
    And- Filter, Or-filter
    Configuring Message filter to throw exception on unaccepted message?
  • Understanding Http Listener and Http Request Configuration in detail
  • Consuming a Restful Webservice 
    Passing arguments to Restful Webservice
    Consuming a Restful Webservice having a RAML
  • Exposing and SOAP Service Mule
  • Consuming a SOAP Webservice 
    Consuming a SOAP Webservice
     by passing the arguments
    Exposing Soap Webservice using Contract first approach using WSDL
  • API Development Using RAML
  • RAML Understanding 
    Create and expose Restful services using the RAML
    Consuming the Restful services using API Console
  • File Endpoint
  • Polling File system using Inbound file endpoint
    Using outbound file endpoint to write to file system
    Implementing inbound and outbound file endpoint
  • Database Endpoint
  • Configuring DataSource
    Configuring Database Connector
    Parameterized Queries
    Dynamic Queries
    Template Queries
    Polling the Database using a poller
  • JMS Endpoint
  • Configuring Jms Connector
    One way Jms outbound endpoint
    One way Jms inbound endpoint
    Two way Jms outbound and inbound endpoints
    JMSReplyTo Header
  • Data Weave data transformation Language
  • Writing DataWeave expressions
    Adding Sample data to view
    Previewing transformations in studio
    Externalizing Data weave expressions into DWL file
    Writing Expressions for XML ,JSON and JAVA
    Writing Expressions for transforming XML to Json and viceversa
    Using Message Variables in DWL
    Creating multiple transformations to create Flow variables, Session variables and Outbound properties in Transform Message transformer
    Transforming complex data structures using DWL
    Using Various DataWeave Operators
    Custom DataTypes in DWL
    Conditional Logic Operators in DWL
    Using GroupBY,distinct,replace,regex ,etc

  • Exception Handling
  • What happens when exception happens in a flow?
    How to handle System Exceptions??
    Default Exception Strategy
    Catch Exception Strategy
    Rollback Exception Strategy
    Reference Exception Strategy
    Choice Exception Strategy
  • Configuring Domains
  • What and why are domains required?
    Creating a domain project
    Deploying a domain
  • Routing ,Splitter and Aggregators
  • Choice router
    Scatter- Gather router
    How Splitter and Aggregators works? Use for Each
  • Implementing Callable
    Custom Transformer
Tuning Performance by configuring Flow Processing Strategies
  • Synchronous Processing Strategy
    Queued Asynchronous processing strategy
    Asynchronous Processing Strategy
    Thread Per Processor strategy
    Queued Thread per processor strategy
  • Anypoint Platform & integrating Salesforce
  • Introducing Any point Platform
    Creating APIs in Platform
    Deploying mule services in Cloud Environment
  • Saleforce introduction
  • Sample application integrating Salesforce

  • Introduction to MMC and Mule Standalone server
  • Deploying applications into standalone server manually.
    What is MMC?
    Adding mule servers to MMC and what happens when registering Mule Server in MMC
    Monitoring Mule servers using MMC
    Deploying Applications using MMC

  • Administration using MMC
  • Understand hot deployment and app structure
    Deploy an app from MMC
    Basic MMC usage and monitoring of computers

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