Oracle Golden Gate Training in Hyderabad
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Oracle Golden Gate Training
Introduction to Data Replication and Oracle Goldengate
Why there is a need of Data Replication?
Present Data availability practices in Industry.
Why Organizations need to change their Data replication Strategies.
Products available in Market for Data Replication.
Introduction to Oracle Golden Gate and History.
Why Goldengate ?
Supported databases and platforms
Understanding Oracle Golden Gate Replication Topologies.
Use cases: Real Time Data Warehousing, Live Standby Database, and High Availability.
Difference between Oracle Goldengate and Oracle Disaster Recovery solutions.
Advantages of Oracle Goldengate.
Oracle GoldenGate Technology and Architecture
GoldenGate Architecture
Oracle Goldengate Main components: Processes and Files
How Oracle Goldengate works : Data Flow
Extract, Replicate, Pump, Trail files
Installing Oracle GoldenGate
Downloading the software
Creating Installation Architecture
Installing Oracle Golden Gate on Windows
Installing Manager
Explaining Subdirectories
Preparing Oracle 11g Database for data replication
Choosing Replicate database connection options
Preparing Database Schemas for Replication
Enabling supplemental logging in Database
Configuring & Preparing the Environment
Configuring the Manager process
Describing the Manager Parameters
Starting the Manager process
Configuring GLOBALS file
Configuring the Extract Process
Describing the extract Process
Explaining initial Parameters
Configuring the Delivery Process
Describing the Delivery Process
Explaining the Delivery Process
Configuring Change Capture Delivery With and Without Data Pump for DML.
Preparing a source database for transaction capture
Describing the high-level configuration steps
Explaining change capture and delivery with a data pump
Explaining change capture and delivery without a data pump
Comparing batch and online operation
Explaining Oracle Golden Gate Checkpoints
Describing the Extract process
Configuring and starting an Extract process
Adding local and remote trails
Configuring and starting a data pump
Explaining the Replicate process
Configuring a Replicate process
Starting a Replicate process
Describing GGSCI commands
Describing Extract trails and files
Configuring Change Capture Delivery DDL Replication
Overview of DDL synchronization
Preparing a source database for transaction capture
Describing the high-level configuration steps
Configuring Extract and Replicat for DDL replication
Configuring Change Capture Delivery for Bidirectional replication.
Overview of bidirectional replication
Advantages of bidirectional replication
Preparing a source database for transaction capture
Describing the high-level configuration steps
Configuring Extract and Replicate for bidirectional replication
Use of Data Definitions File (defgen)
Overview of Data Definitions File
When to use Data Definitions Files
Types of Data Definitions File
Configuring Data Definitions File
Oracle Golden Gate Commands
Running Golden Gate commands from the GGSCI prompt
Running Golden Gate commands from the obey files
Running Golden Gate commands from the OS shell
Identifying the types of GGSCI commands available
Monitoring and Managing Oracle Golden Gate
Monitoring Oracle Goldengate Process.
Managing trail files by Manager Process.
Automating process startup using reporting and statistics.
Lag Analysis of the process.
GoldenGate Security Features
Using message, trail and password encryption Controlling command permissions รข€“ CMDSEC file
Advanced Configuration: Mapping and manipulating data
Overview of data mapping and manipulation
Deciding where data mapping and conversion will take place Data Selection and Filtering
Data Transformation
Using built-in functions
Using SQLEXEC to interact directly with a database
GoldenGate Performance Tuning
Using BATCHSQL to speed delivery
Using RANGE Function
Using parallel Replicate groups on a target system
Troubleshooting - Where to look
Some Major issues base on my experience and the area of the investigation of the issues.
Oracle Golden Gate Training in Hyderabad
Oracle Golden Gate Online Training in Hyderabad
Oracle Golden Gate Training in India