Ext JS Training In Hyderabad
Ext JS Online Training in Hyderabad
email: shiva@sanaari.net
What's App: 91 8008814567
- Getting Started with Ext JS
- Why Ext JS?
- Cross-browser support
- Rich UI components
- Two-way binding
- Architectural pattern for JavaScript
- Simplifying a complicated operation
- Easy DOM access
- Client-side routing
- Support for accessibility
- An introduction to Ext JS
- The universal application
- Setting up Ext JS
- Sencha Cmd
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
- Ruby
- Installing Sencha Cmd
- Generating the Ext JS application using Sencha Cmd
- The application architecture
- Model
- View
- Controller
- View model
- View model – MainModel.js
- Controller – MainController.js
- View – main.js
- Exploring Sencha Cmd commands
- The Sencha command format
- Help
- Upgrading Sencha Cmd
- Generating an application
- Building the application
- Launching the application
- The code generation
- Upgrading your application
- Debugging an Ext JS application
- Core Concepts
- The class system
- Ext
- application
- define
- create
- onReady
- widget
- getClass
- getClassName
- Ext.Base
- Ext.Class
- Ext.ClassManager
- Ext.Loader
- Events
- Adding listeners
- Removing listeners
- The DOM node event handling
- Accessing DOM
- Ext.get
- Ext.query
- Ext.select
- Multiple selections
- Selection root
- Selection chaining
- Ext.ComponentQuery
- Components, containers, and layouts
- Components
- Containers
- Layouts
- updateLayout
- suspendLayout
- The absolute layout
- The accordion layout
- The anchor layout
- The border layout
- The card layout
- The center layout
- The column layout
- The fit Layout
- The hbox layout
- The table layout
- The VBox layout
- Basic Components
- Getting familiar with basic components
- Ext.Button
- Ext.MessageBox
- Forms and form fields
- Ext.form.Panel
- Fields
- Ext.form.field.Text
- Ext.form.field.Number
- Ext.form.field.ComboBox
- Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor
- The form field validation
- Events in the form panel
- Form field containers
- Ext.form.CheckboxGroup
- Ext.form.FieldContainer
- Ext.form.RadioGroup
- Submitting a form
- Menus and toolbar
- The customer feedback form design
- Calculator – a sample project
- The folder structure
- App – app.js
- MVC and MVVM – Revisit
- Model
- View
- Controller
- ViewController and Controller
- View model
- View — Main.js
- Controller — MainController.js
- ViewModel — MainViewModel.js
- Data Packages
- Model
- Field
- The data conversion
- Validators
- Relationships
- One-to-one
- One-to-many
- Many-to-many
- Custom field types
- Store
- The inline data store
- Filtering and sorting
- Accessing the store
- Accessing the store using StoreManager
- Accessing the store using Ext.app.ViewModel
- Store events
- The store in ViewModel
- Proxies
- The client-side proxy
- The memory proxy
- The LocalStorage proxy
- The SessionStorage proxy
- The server-side proxy
- To do – a RESTful sample project
- Working with Grids
- The basic grid
- Sorting
- Renderer
- Filtering
- Pagination
- Cell editing
- Row editing
- Grouping
- The pivot grid
- The company directory – a sample project
- Advanced Components
- The tree panel
- The basic tree
- The tree grid
- Data views
- The picture explorer – a sample project
- Drag and drop
- Configure the items as draggable
- Create the drop target
- Complete the drop target
- Working with Charts
- Charts
- Chart types
- The cartesian chart
- The polar chart
- The spacefilling chart
- Bar and column charts
- The basic column chart
- The bar chart
- The stacked chart
- The 3D bar chart
- Area and line charts
- The area chart
- The line chart
- The pie chart
- The basic pie chart
- The donut chart
- The 3D pie chart
- The expense analyzer – a sample project