
Selenium Training in Hyderabad

Selenium class room Training
We are offering Selenium class room Training
Selenium class room Training in Ameerpet
Selenium online Training in Ameerpet
Selenium online training in Hyderabad

Selenium Overview

Installing Java

Installing Eclipse

Features of Java

Why Java for Selenium

First Eclipse Project

First Java program

Concept of class file

Platform independence

Datatypes in Java

If statements

Conditional and concatination operators

While Loop

For Loops

Practical Examples with loops

Usage of loops in Selenium

Single Dimensional Arrays

Two Dimnsional arrays

Practical usage of arrays in Selenium

Drawbacks of arrays

What are Functions?

Function Input Parameters

Function Return Types

Local Variables

Global Variables

Static and Non-Static Variables

Static and Non-Static Functions

Creating Objects in Java

Meaning of static

Why is main method static?

Object and Object References

Call by reference and Value


Usage of Objects in Selenium

Concept of Inheritance


Overloadings and Overriding Funtions

Example on inheritance

Object Class

Usage of Inheritance in Selenium

Relevence of Packages

Creating Packages

Accessing Classes Across Packages

Good Features of eclipse

Accessing modifiers - Public, Private, Default, Protected

Exception hading with try catch block

Importance of exception handling

Exception and Error

Throwable Class

Different Types of Exceptions

Need of exception handling in Selenium framework

Introduction to Collections API

ArrayList Class



Why WebDriver?

Selenium RC and Webdriver

Downloading and configuring webdriver in eclipse

WebDriver Interface

Drivers for Firefox, IE, chrome, Iphone, Android etc

First Selenium WebDriver Code

Opening multiple browsers at one time

Close and Quit methods in Webdriver

Installing Firebug and FirePath Addons in Firefox

Using Firebug and Firepath

HTML language tags

Handling Links with WebDriver

Extracting Xpaths and relevence of Xpaths

Identifying WebElements using id, name, linkname, class, xpath, tagname etc

Handling Input Box/Buttons

Handling WebList

Handling Radio Buttons,

Making your own xpaths without firebug -New

Dynamic objects

Extracting links and other webelements

Capturing screenshots with WebDriver

Window handles

Tabbed browsing with Selenium

Example of Tabbed browsing

Pop up handling in Selenium

Example of Pop up handling

Managing variable xpaths

Pausing execution for sometime

Introducing wait for sometime

Handling JavaScript alert messages with Selenium

Simulating the Keyboard Keypress event

Simulating Pressing Enter Button of Keyboard

Attaching files with Selenium

Working with Caleder using Selenium

Handling Ajax Autosuggests

Handling Google Ajax Autosuggests

Setting the page load timeout- WebDriver.Timeout Interface

Handling Frames in Web Page

Handling cookies

Simulaing front and back buton click on Browser using selenium

Assigning Firefox profile parameters

Downloading files using selenium

Selenium Javadocs

Actions class in Webdriver

Handling CSS menu with Action class- - NEW

Handling CSS menu with JavaScriptExecutor

JavaScriptExecutor example


What is TestNg

Installing TestNg in Eclipse

TestNg annotations

Understanding usage of Basic annotations

Running a Test in TestNg

Skipping Tests

parameterizing Tests - DataProvider

Assertions/Reporting Errors

TestNg Reports

Using TestNg in Selenium


What is TestNg

Installing TestNg in Eclipse

TestNg annotations

Understanding usage of Basic annotations

Running a Test in TestNg

Skipping Tests

parameterizing Tests - DataProvider

Assertions/Reporting Errors

TestNg Reports

Using TestNg in Selenium


What is TestNg

Installing TestNg in Eclipse

TestNg annotations

Understanding usage of Basic annotations

Running a Test in TestNg

Skipping Tests

parameterizing Tests - DataProvider

Assertions/Reporting Errors

TestNg Reports

Using TestNg in Selenium


What is TestNg

Installing TestNg in Eclipse

TestNg annotations

Understanding usage of Basic annotations

Running a Test in TestNg

Skipping Tests

parameterizing Tests - DataProvider

Assertions/Reporting Errors

Contact: any queries are always welcomed Please feel free to mail us for demo session or 
call @ 1 484 365 2489 
India Number @ 91-99497 14567

WhatsApp : 91 8008814567 

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